Glenroy & Anthony

It's always been quite simple for me, when ever anyone asks I just say "Thank You but I don't do wedding photography" It never been about ability... cause I know I could do it... My resistance has always been based in the blind terror of ruining someones special day by messing up their photos. So it was kind of wierd when Glenroy asked I didn't get that un-easy hesitation, in truth I felt honored that he asked! I really had a great time! On the train home that afternoon I updated my facebook: "Was just part of something wonderfully sweet and quite romantic... I plan on smiling the rest of the day!" And I did!:-)

Special Thanks to Glenroy and Anthony for letting me post a few pics.... If you readers are getting any ideas that I now do weddings... I may still say no... but who knows I might get the guts to do it again!
Note: All images and text (not specified) is copyrighted by Christopher Cushman. This site does not specify or denote the sexual orientation of any model and as such please post your comments accordingly.
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